Skyscraper in the night

Jalan-jalan siang? Why not ga da salahnya, aku coba.
Sabtu 7 November 2015 siang tadi cuaca agak mendung, seolah mendukungku untuk meneruskan niat mendamaikan hati ini yang bergemuruh. Kumulai dari BIP ….. terus melangkah menuju jl. Merdeka.... Apakah yang terasa di saat sepi? Lamunanku berjalan seiring dengan kakiku menelusuri jalan di pinggiran Kotamadya, sambil kuperhatikan sekelilingku … ternyata enak juga ….cukup nyaman dan sejuk, baru kusadari Bandung cukup menarik juga kalau kita memandangnya dari sudut yang lain. Bersih, rapih dan hijau (I love Bandung). Perjalanan kuteruskan sampai ke Braga sambil membayangkan Ma Bijou…seseorang yang telah memenuhi sudut ruang hatiku yang selama ini kusimpan di relung hati yang paling dalam dan tak tersentuh. My God why me? Kenapa ini harus terjadi padaku? Mengapa rasa ini tidak dari dulu terungkap? Mengapa Engkau menyodorkan suatu puzzle yang tak bisa kuselesaikan?
Langkahku terhenti sejenak di Braga Citywalk, aku cuma menduga-duga seperti inikah suasana kota di Luar negri? Kata orang jalanannya pun sama memakai paving block, tapi disana orang bebas berjalan tidak ada kendaraan yang lewat, aku membayangkan kalau aku ada disana denganmu sambil memakai baju tebal (musim salju) berjalan sambil berpelukan kemudian asap keluar dari mulut kalau kita berbicara,

hmmm…… pasti kau akan menjadi seorang guide yang sabar menjawab setiap pertanyaanku yang cerewet, menunjukkan sudut2 kota yang terbaik, pergi ke Museum, Coffe shop, Gedung konser, dan…. Hey didepanku di Braga Citywalk ada Hotel baru! namanya aku lupa, (tapi pasti jaringan hotel internasional yang terkenal karena sering mendengar namanya).
Ooppss fantasyku berkembang lagi…… Seandainya aku nginep disitu, aku ingin kamar yang paling atas, aku suka melihat pemandangan city skyscraper di waktu malam.

Mengasyikan juga kayaknya…. Melihat kerlap-kerlip lampu bagaikan untaian permata. Disitu kita berbaring di Balkon (bukan di bad lho ya…) terus aku bersandar dipelukanmu sambil mendengar detak jantungmu, keatas memandang langit penuh bintang, kebawah memandang kerlap-kerlip lampu gedung pencakar langit woow fantastis!!.
Kita hanya diam… diam…...dan diam.... Merasakan keheningan dan detak jantung, sesekali ngobrol, bercanda, diskusi tentang galaksi bintang (walaupun ngelantur diskusinya karena aku ga tau soal perbintangan ha..ha..), ya…. Hanya itu yang kita lakukan pasti betah berlama-lama disitu terasa indah dan damai. Dan ooppss……. - just keep in my mind - membuat pipiku merah karena malu…. Akhirnya aku tersadar dari lamunanku dan segera berbalik bergegas pergi dari situ sambil menahan rasa desire yg hebat. Kapankah ini bisa terwujud Ma Bijou? Bisakah? Semoga bisa. Make a wish….!!!

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly without complexities or pride. So I love you because I know no other way.

Dari kejauhan sayup-sayup terdengar lagu Demi Lovato....
I would be raising from the ground like Skyscraper

When does on a day to day change your life?

So I live in Bandung…..

l am living in Bandung ..."the Paris van java" , located in a cool neighborhood - close to cafes, renowned restaurants, shopping mall 15 minutes from the city center
Well, my country’s got a population of almost 250 million, and these people have come from many custom. My country has a lot of mountains, and there are also lots of rivers, lakes, and islands. One of the most islands is famous all over the world, of course… Bali Island!! People come to my country to visit Bali.
We have big, cosmopolitan cities, but a lot of people live on farms, ranches, and in small towns. Bandung is a small town. In June the weather is wonderful. It’s the most perfect time of year, it doesn’t often rain, not too hot, not too cold, but the temperature can change a lot in just one day. It can go from quite chilly to very warm, so you should perhaps bring a jacket but you don’t need any thick clothes. Bandung is the most populated city in my country and there are lots of things to see and do there. We have very old, historic building. We are very proud of our history, with Parahyangan and the legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

This mountain is actually a volcano. Tangkuban Perahu mountain, its shape resembles an upturned boat.

Name Tangkuban Perahu, very closely with the legendary land of the most famous Sundanese, which is Sangkuriang. Tangkuban Perahu, which from a distance looked like a boat upside down, allegedly caused by the power of Sangkuriang that failed to complete its task in making an overnight boat to marry Dayang Sumbi who is she in fact his own mother. Because so upset it could not complete the boat, the boat finally Sangkuriang kicked it unfinished. The legend that is the close connection in the naming Tangkuban Perahu mountain.

You don’t need a lot of money to enjoy tour holiday. There are lots of good cheap hotels and restaurants, and of course you must visit the Factory outlets which are selling all sort of branded clothes, bags, and shoes for export. And also you must visit the markets. You can buy all kinds of pottery and things quite cheaply, and don’t forget our wonderful fruit and vegetables. You should try Durians, which are a kind of popular fruit tasted very sweet and exotic smell and our brownies is very good.

The best place to try local food is in the city center. You should try Timbel which are made of rice covered banana leaves and Ayam goreng Kremes which are chicken fries mixed with herb, it’s fried until it’s crispy- mmm! They’re both delicious, especially if you add sambal terasi .

One of the nicest things to drink is tea, ice tea. It’s especially good if the weather is very hot. It’s really refreshing.

I suppose many people are not really thrilled about where they are living. These people I speak of are those that are always reminding me how great it is somewhere other than where I am living! They are always telling me how ridiculous the traffic are in Bandung! They also point out that we have a high unemployment rate. Then they seem to go on and on about things that I never even involved in. I am not in denial of things in my surroundings, I just rather take it like I see it…on a day to day basis. I am sure that there are lots of other places I can go where I may be able to put more money into my saving box…. instead of the city where I am living!

I have been in Bandung since the 90’s. I was born in Jakarta. I am always being pointed out how another country is so much prettier than mine. Bandung does not even have a change of season! Just rain and sunny, I am fine with that. I love Bandung although has many different cities that offer many different charms! So, I will stay forever now. Maybe I will look into moving in a few years, or maybe not! I feel better just writing out my thoughts.
I really want to meet people from all over the world, and see how different people live their lives. I want to travel abroad and enjoy life. I always was wondering and discovering the world and people.

Ma Bijou

Dalam hening dan jernih

rasanya aku mengenalmu begitu lekat

apakah sebelum kelahiranku

atau sesudah kematianku

Apakah yang terasa disaat sepi

bolehkah hatimu yang biru kupoles dengan warna jinggaku

supaya seumpama aku rindu

cukup manatap bentang laut pagi hari

supaya seumpama kau ingin jumpa

cukup menatap kaki langit waktu senja


02.53 by Jingga 0 komentar

Rahsajati adalah:
Suatu iklim jiwa yg paling halus dan paling dalam dihati sanubari yg suci disetiap manusia.
Suatu iklim jiwa yg suci murni, terang benderang.
Suatu iklim jiwa yg tenang, tentram bahagia dan tidak terpengaruh oleh pikiran, perasaan dan nafsu-nafsu.

Lagu Inspirasiku